Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Employability Week- Studio Blup

This talk by Dines was an AMAZING start to the week! His down to earth, straight up approach was so refreshing, and seeing him talk about the roots of his creative inspiration discussing his love of Pokemon/anime and working in his bedroom throughout uni showed a real journey that inspired me to just go and do what I need to do.

The Journey and Hacks of the Design Industry
-Always have goals and objectives, as having them to reference makes you aim higher and keeps you grounded
-Early age inspirations and the fun elements are important to acknowledge and keep you interested
-You need your own distinctive style to stand out and get picked, rather than blending in
-Designing flyers was a key part of Dines' success, so approach people and offer to do them to free advertise your brand

Design Process
-Upsell brief
-Remixing Culture
-Image Goals for focus and vision
-Having your own website and email is super valuable for your appearance as a professional
-always read the small print!
-Keep feed's professional
-Keep website simple
-Have decent high quality mock ups for portfolios, not just flat images
-Very useful to have a variety of skills
-Use strengths

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