Wednesday, April 25, 2018



Submitting work for exhibitions- got in to two (girl gang, UBU)

Made website

Updating website and Behance

Sharing projects on LinkedIn, adding/making contacts

Applying for jobs/enquiring about graduate opportunities

Studio visit to endless city, interview with aaron

Careers Fairs, getting emails. A lot weren't taking on at that time (daft)

Internship in London upcoming

Portfolio Surgery, career considerations for graduation

Career Track Tuesdays (how i got my placement, opens doors for you going to events)

Self branding

Creative CV

Old branding to new- development of polishing style, keeping it more simple, less is more
Placement made me realise I want to be part of the ideas, not an artworker
Retail designing light hearted and fun for me
Marketing may be another route for me
Portfolio review encouraged me to brand myself as an illustrator as well as graphic designer
Proud to send website link
Studio visit, Aarons answers

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