Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Light Night

To kickstart getting in to visiting exhibits and exploring what events Leeds has to offer, I thought Light Night would be the perfect opportunity. There is one I have in Bury back home which is a very small town and on Light Night almost every bigger area of Bury has a show on wether it be a pantomime, fire breathers or light installations. As I'm new to Leeds and am loving it, I couldnt wait to see it all lit up this way.

All the crowds and activity surrounded the museum and town hall, and apart from a light projection on the second LCA building and stands of lights we couldn't see much glistening in the distance. There were huge amounts of people but it didnt look like much was going on, until we saw some fire in the distance in front of the town hall but we missed that performance. We took a chance and went inside and there was a cinema playing short strange silent films which I liked the idea of/thought was cool, but one was a man chasing a chair for over 5+ minutes and then we found my favourite, the 'rainbow room' which I loved the aesthetics of as I really enjoy bright colour projections and all the edits you can do with the different shades, so some of the images I got can be inspo/primary imagery for future projects. So I had a great time being within this electric atmosphere and am really going to try and attend more of these events!

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