Thursday, November 26, 2015

Magazines of interest based in Leeds

It was suggested at this point to casually start looking for local companies to potentially contact and work with next year, I have found a publication in Leeds called Lippy Magazine from Uni of that seems to be focusing on the kind of stuff I'm interested in and is open to contact! I am blogging these things now incase other people find them later, and I have the date stamp to say no I did!

On their instagram that I have just discovered, they post when they are at events to come meet them, so next time I see this I will jump at the chance to go and talk to them as they were students too it won't be too intimidating.

Also, a magazine called Voir is based in Leeds and just by seeing some images on the website, this looks like the sort of design I would love to try and do. As their magazine is digital, I had a flick through and I adore their editorial style and fluorescent highlights throughout done in a sophisticated way.

After finishing this presentation and feeling more like I know what I want to get in to, this video was posted by Vice about Stefan Sagmeister, who really backs up my love between music and its artwork and how it can define an era

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