Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Creating online portfolio

As well as continuously adding all my artwork to my design Instagram, I realise this year for placement and internship opportunities, even live briefs, I need to create a professional Behance portfolio and a Linkedin.

A huge part of my PPP this year will be adding new projects and professionally photographing, but also previous projects that I can see now need to be improved and reprinted. This includes my 'Get Lit' neon book from last year which I was gutted about in the end production result. Also, my first year zine which showcased my favourite female Instagram illustrators (which I see the interest in female zines came about). The interview posters from last years PPP need to be printed again, and other various projects such as my children's colour piece from first year and help and advice pieces.

Getting as much work up on these that I see something in, adding in order to show my development as a designer over the three years is an exciting prospect for my future and this year I really want to create a professional presence online.

I plan to reprint older projects within the next month and book a photography studio, and then continue this throughout the year. Behance was started today- exciting!

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