Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Design Kids lecture and workshop

'''''Be a boss lady''''

The head of design kids reinforced that to be successful, its more than just completing uni work

Networking- This year I am absolutely determined to speak to local collectives and to actively engage with submitting and making work for exhibitions within Leeds so I can speak and connect with other creatives and get my work out there

Research- knowing what kind of studios I want to contact for internships, share work with to gain feedback, knowing which route to go down after finishing. Being proactive this year is important and booking career track Tuesday sessions are to ensure I am having the one to one time with advisors as I feel I really need this and often don't feel like I get the right info out of asking questions normally. Look out for workshops.

Internships- Although I have identified a studio I was offered an internship in over summer (due to time and financial circumstances this didn't happen) and have emailed being proactive in trying to arrange one for this year, so far no response so looking for other studios within reach that are as exciting as that studio was to me is really important.

Events/Lectures- Attending collective events, want to sign up for talks outside of university. Need to actively seek these. Its important to find ones that interest me so I'm not intimidated or put off.

Contacting- As 3 of my favourite artists responded and gave feedback for last years interview project, I'm optimistic and not afraid to get out there and get primary research for COP, feedback, advice etc from other creatives.

Posting work/online presence- Need to get professional shots of work and update Instagram, start a Behance/LinkedIn (which I have booked a career track session for). Also, engaging with local events and submitting work.

Creative CV- I do not feel near ready enough to make a proper CV for creative jobs yet so will actively seek out help and advice next year when I feel I have developed more as a designer.

Know Goals/who to aspire to

As well as this set of important areas to work on throughout the year and continuously, this lecture reassured me that wanting to make an impact on the world is so crucial as without it is pointless which I have always believed! I'm determined to go to as many events as I can cram in and always invite friends as well.

For personal projects I intend to keep doing my own illustrations as throughout summer I began doing these and I enjoyed it so much and feel them developing so much, and wish to put these together for an exhibition or publication one day. Also having a second go on my Neon sign photography publication, focusing on signs in Leeds. That project ignited my love for film photography and as I did so bad executing these in the production, doing it a second time around would feel amazing and improvement on my design skills.

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