Monday, October 9, 2017

Girl Talk event hosted by 'Girl Gang Leeds'

Questions- I will use this session proactively to get as much feedback and quotes to use for my briefs and critical writing.

Ask about...
-Women in the design industry the current state, their opinions as being part of the demographic
-Quotes for the self empowerment series about overcoming insecurities
-Ask about the female collective scene, who they love and who inspires them...this can then lead to other networking/contacting/inspiration

Update: Unfortunately due to having to work I got there 2 hours before it ended and the groups I were put next to didn't have a lot to offer me/ran out of time, however I got a link to 'She Does Digital' which actually have stats on women in industry and to talk to one of their team. Got quotes from one girl for two projects which I was so grateful for! Girl Gang have also let me share my survey link on their page which will hopefully bring in more feedback for my empowerment brief.

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