Sunday, May 6, 2018

'Business Cards'

If there is a slot available at this point, I want to make self branding stickers instead of business cards as it feels more part of my brand, and everyone loves stickers!
These stickers will be distributed to potential employers and creative networkers as they are fun, decorative with the energetic lines, reminding everyone of my name and my brands energy/style.
With a business card I feel like it could be buried or just stored in a drawer forgotten about- as with stickers, creatives enjoy putting these on their things and this is self advertisement to them and those they work with. It would be an effective way of getting my brand recognised opposed to business cards, personally. I will ofcourse test this and print business cards if I struggle.

These can be sent along with my concertina after I graduate to businesses if I am struggling to get employment. I can also send other stickers than represent my projects, including ones I have printed for my rethink mink brief.

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