Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Buttercrumble Portfolio Surgery

During my placement I got the chance to take the morning off to go for a portfolio surgery with the twins from Buttercrumble which was a great direct opportunity to get designer and illustrators view on my work. I definetly need more of these as I don't feel truly confident in my work sometimes and know it isn't as polished as it could be, and that people are honest saying they like it but feel they don't have extreme enthusiasm which worries me.
They told me to definetly include illustrator in my title as my portfolio shows I am a graphic designer combined with an illustrator due to my illustrative crossover in my work, which makes my work distinctive they said.
They loved the colour as did the lady from UK Greetings when I quickly showed her my Behance. Comments I got from both were that in a mass amount of applicants my work would have a great chance of standing out due to the colour confidence within my portfolio.
Expressing my enjoyment of copyrighting at George Home, they suggested even marketing jobs could be a route for me. I asked them to recommend places locally I would suit applying to based on my portfolio and they emailed me feedback which I was so appreciative of!!
They told me I should definetly pursue my illustration even on the side as it can amplify my work and shows I can do more than just graphic design, as they did in their last year at university which worked out in their favour.

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