Saturday, March 31, 2018

The next step

Last year I found it really rewarding and exciting contacting professionals, 2 I never thought would reply did!! Therefore take that for this years goal- being a memorable face within the graduates in Leeds and contacting those who work at studios I would like to be involved with to interview and go over my portfolio if possible. These are people I have connected with on Linkedin or new agencies recommended by Buttercrumble in my portfolio surgery session. This is now the time to start getting in touch with these new contacts for graduate opportunities!

Applied for/contacted

Finn agency
Brass Digital
Robot Food
Craft Agency ad
Bright Carbon
Cafeteria- not successful
Skinny Dip- offered me an internship, will have to see as it is in London
Zeal - said they will keep me in mind as there are no current graduate opportunities
Propaganda- no current positions but will keep me on file
UK Greetings
Buttercrumble Creative
BGC Studios- asked me to complete a brief for consideration
charactercreative- not successful but gave me cv/portfolio pdf feedback and keeping me on file

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