Thursday, March 22, 2018

Feedback from Buttercrumble portfolio surgery

Hi Hannah,

It was lovely to see you on Tuesday, hope you’re having a good week.

We’re just emailing a few notes from the meeting and some extra support.

Local Companies to Contact

Hallmark (Greetings)- looks really fun although can be restricting, but a great place to start as it is expressive
UK Greetings (Greetings)- same as above
La Redoute (Fashion)
Bon Marche (Fashion)
Nestle (Fashion)
Vast Digital (Fashion Marketing)
Brass (Marketing)
Intermarketing Agency (Marketing) - to me personally looks very dull and corporate, not exciting 
Boohoo (Fashion)
Forever Unique (Fashion)
Misguided (Fashion)
Arcadia (Leeds office)

Also try Print & Pattern for more illustrative jobs:
Look at trade shows related to your industry and approach companies speculatively. 

Approaching Companies

Sending something personal in the post is a brilliant idea and you could take this to the next level. Include something interactive in a mailer like a small gift or activity to make the recipient smile! Find specific contacts in the company through the company website and Linkedin and set reminders to follow up with them through email. A week after sending your parcel, email them to ask if they received it. Don’t be disheartened if you don’t hear back! Follow up again after a few days. We’d recommend sending three emails in total.

Use your strengths to your advantage! You have extra skillsets that will be desirable to employers such as illustration and copywriting. You also have a brilliant eye for colour and this will definitely grab people’s attention.

It was great to meet you, Hannah! We look forward to seeing what’s in-store for you! Enjoy the rest of your week.

Take care,

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