Saturday, March 5, 2016

Presentation fears and Kate Moross

One issue I will have to identify within my presentation is the fact, I actually really don't like doing presentations, in particular, about myself. I'd say i'm quite an easy going type of person who doesn't stress over making designs absolutely perfect and i'm actually very indecisive which can be a downfall at times.

Sometimes, in particular when stressed which I am not a lot thankfully, I find myself being annoyed at myself for not seemingly having my life plans sorted like a lot of my peers seem to. I feel I am not as passionate about certain styles of graphic design which seem to benefit a lot of others, or that I am not confident in speaking about myself because I am so unsure. It has been encouraged to make issues work as part of your identity in PPP, but it doesn't look great if I am not confident in presenting myself as in this creative industry, you really have to be. In presenting, I am not worried about the work I put together as I would not submit if I wasn't happy with it because what would the point be in that, but when I stand up in front of a group of people I physically feel like I am tripping over my words, feel I am struggling with my posture and often shake. I know this is a reaction that is natural and shows I care, but I feel this is an obstacle I can't really work on as it is my bodies reaction which I feel I cannot help, and really knocks my confidence. I feel this is a huge contrast between my work/personality, and professional presenting of it.

Despite these struggles, and knowing I just have to get on with it and pray for a miracle that my nerves go away over time, watching other presentations through Nicer Tuesdays was reassuring as there are different ways of presenting. The format of mine being lists showing a mix between general relatable things such as napping and judging bad typography, and about my aims/ambitions/strengths/weaknesses, it adds a less formal tone in which there is relatable humour. Adamant I want my tone of voice to be positive, calming and funny, this is why I arranged my presentation in this way. To create a relationship between me and the other student designers through adding habits of us first years but also putting across the tone of voice I wanted to show through my self branding brief. Exciting, positive, and something a bit different.

A talk in particular that inspired me and made me discover one of my new design idols is this talk by Kate Moross!

You can see her excitement and passion in what she is presenting and she isn't overly formal, and I relate a lot to her design work as she makes it fun which I find especially exciting about design and is why I chose to do it as a degree. The way she speaks of sweet packaging from when she was a kid having design that is reminiscent of which she enjoys collecting, and this being a subconscious inspiration basis for her strong vivid kaleidoscopic design style. What was quite different was how she unconventionally expressed her hate for the question of where her inspiration comes from, that this is a 'cheap' way of explaining work, and that all our influences are subconscious in which we often can't explain fully.

There are many ads I have seen and thought how amazing they are, and I didn't even know they were by her! This was so cool to discover! She approaches formalities in a different way and follows her passion of being bold and exciting. She also mainly works with a lot of musicians on creating a visual identity for their albums/music videos/shows which is something I'd be ridiculously excited to do as the link between music and art is one of my favourite creative collaborations.

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