Sunday, February 21, 2016

Celebrities Who Were Graphic Designers

This post popped up on my newsfeed and it reminds me those who go in to graphic design can do so much more as they have a wide range of creative skills that come from studying graphic design and inspiration from doing so! It reminds me why I chose to do this course.

Amazing inspirations on there such as Freddie Mercury, whose influences and talent can't be argued. Although I have no musical talent whatsoever, the link between the art subjects and musicians is very important to me as they have such an impact on all of us. It is a link I would possibly consider aiming to be part of in the future, to do with music videos album artwork etc (Secret 7" has been my favourite brief as of yet due to the link).

David Bowie especially, who is one of my idols, I did not know actually studied in layout and typesetting! Although he kept this knowledge and applied it throughout his career, it wasn't what he stuck to specifically throughout his whole life. There are ways graphic design elements can be applied to anything visual! Wether it be fashion, music videos, stage performances, interior design etc. The list makes me feel better about not knowing where I want to be in particular, and reassures me it's okay if I feel a bit different to others in the class who seem to have clear, straightline graphic design goals.

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