Sunday, February 21, 2016

Party Invite Inspo

Cherry Shaped that opens up at the two cherries?

Has the excitement within its design that sets it apart from standard more boring invites. Has the party aspect and theme is versatile and distinctive

Screenprint could be an option once I have learnt how to do it

Paper punched confetti, perhaps could make a party bag with these and sequins with invite party rings etc

Photography arrangement really extenuates and makes this it's best possible quality in terms of theme and impact of it


Envelope? these are really inspiring more minimal ways of laying invite out, and would be appropriate as I want the invite side to contrast the bold side with self branding and glitter stock

Has the handwritten look I want to go for tying in with pink in a non-overpowering way. I need to learn myself how to have a minimal balance applied to my work

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