Saturday, February 27, 2016

Invite Adjustments

After taking a few days away to look at mvite with a fresh vision and gaining feedback from fellow LCA students, it was suggested I make the brand part smaller as the information was becoming too condensed and as it draws the most attention anyway making it smaller wouldn't have a negative impact. The glitter gives it an interesting subtle detailing that ties in with my theme too.

My smaller body of text is too condensed and hard to read in capitals people have said, which I agree with although I am struggling to pick another typeface that doesn't look unmatched to the rest of the design like the last alternative I tried. In this I have used Helvetica which is a very versatile, legible typeface but it still feels out of place...

I then began to adjust the tracking to mimic the condensed style of the other texts but without it being overpowering and hard to read due to all capitals/tall x-height. This gives it the ease and legibility in a softer way, in which I have removed '&'s to be come across as more professional, and before I was just trying to fit the text in without leaving widow text. In medium weight which aligns with the weight of the others and is clear to read against the pink background.
For genuine emphasis effect, I have tried italics in these parts I want them to know I am addressing them specifically. Also adding a line under the RSVP gives it what it needs to stop it looking like it is  just put there floating within the invite.

Body text with 'Glober'. Am constantly adjusting and trying others to be sure. I feel this looks better in italics which seems appropriate for my message, and helveticas looks more squashed when italic.

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