Thursday, March 2, 2017

Build talk number 2 with Nicki

Very honest introduction and her story from being a creative child always making things, which was me! Making dollshouses out of cereal boxes and sewing outfits for my Britney doll, so I was instantly humbled and felt she was relatable. What I also enjoyed was how she spoke from her starter perspective, being very honest about how she felt leaving university being too scared to go to agencies in London and felt more comfortable applying for a job and working on her portfolio alongside, which is something I can see myself doing...but am aware of the danger of staying in the same job you were only meant to be in temporarily. However, this is also a great thing the way things are nowadays, a steady job and a steady income are valuable! preferably want to be in a career I enjoy and expand my creativity and have amazing experiences each day- which I hope.

' amazing to look back on your design styles'
Travelling- a break is sometimes necessary if possible to let your unconscious rediscover and for ideas to come naturally when you've been struggling.

'...clients can be unpredictable' with deadlines and organisation adjustments etc, need to know who the time wasters are but 'respond to every client'

Title- have an important sounding title and people take you more seriously

Her work for a kids tv show advert was my favourite, reinforcing that my interests are in the less serious design.

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