Thursday, March 30, 2017

Pitcha Pitcha presentation

As a collective we wanted to celebrate all variety of skills within the design field, as we are all different and it is reassuring to upcoming creatives to embrace what they are good at and enjoy, and that there is room for variety in the industry. Our aim to showcase a variety of work will also be beneficial in drawing in more creatives in to creating as there will be work suited to everyone for a source of inspiration, and even to recognize what they don't like. I came forward with the concept in which the group understood and agreed instantly allowing everyone to have a fair contribution and spot to talk and show their work.

A strong collective supports and happily shows each others work, so within our pitch we showed examples of all our work to give watchers a grasp on the variety we want to display and showing our own work and combination of skills. I showed my motivational mantras cover as it was made for first years, intended to provide positive strong quotes to accelerate confidence and productivity whilst giving useful advice of what to remember in first year, so including this felt important as we have a similar aim to show the public what the creative industry is about. I also showed a poster from my latest campaign designs for Thirsty Planet, in which I feel my approach to the brief was bold and grabs attention which we would want our publication to do in a similar fashion, making the public feel part of the collective using similar language.

My focus was colour, and these show two different ways of using it combining traditional print with digital which I enjoy doing within my work. AWOL are all about getting as many people involved and interested as possible in contributing their skills and with this, hoping to break the stigma seemingly still present within the public and I am proud of my collective and what we put together as we all had a fair contribution, staying true to our collectives ethos, and wanting to go further than an exhibition.

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