Saturday, March 18, 2017

Jaz of Harleyandj interview EVALUATE

What attracted me to your work was you're heavy psychedelic 60s/70s inspired artwork, which gives such a distinctive look for your brand. How did this style begin and what inspired your love for those brilliant eras?

I've honestly think it was first seeded whilst going through mum and dad's photo album and seeing them as teenagers in the 70's. All long haired and bell bottomed hanging out in their panel vans by the beach and playing music in their living rooms. I adore everything about that time not just the art! The music ,the clothing, the colours! The attitude.  The art in the 60's/70's 

I'm always inspired by event flyers and looking at type from those eras as I think they add style to a design instantly and are my favourite to work with. Do you usually hand draw the type and designs? What is your design process? 
Designs and illustrations yes! but Typography more often than not no. If there is a request for hand drawn type or the brief needs it I will. Otherwise I will leave it up to the typographers of the world. I used to a lot when I first started but my strength is illustrating and colour so I try to always focus on that. Its important to know and recognise your strengths. 

Process wise I usually start with very simple image or illustration. Get it into illustrator and add lines, colours etc then into photoshop for some filters to add  little depth and character if it needs it.

What set up do you prefer to be in when working on your design work, and if you listen to any music what music do you like to work to? When im painting I love listening to Hendrix and Lana Del Rey usually get lost in another world!

I find I am best in the morning! Get up showered, dressed and at my desk by 9 always. I usually always have music playing as working home by yourself gets a little quiet! Music taste changes everyday with my mood I guess.

It looks like you've had a very good career so far majoring in Visual Communication and working for Harley Davidson! I enjoy how you added your own flair and started your own brand! I am currently doing a graphic design degree and I don't really know which direction I am going in and worry about this sometimes. Were you the same and what is the best advice you could give to getting on track?
Although I loved Uni and I don't regret going, theres no better teacher than real life itself. I learnt 100 more things working in the first week at work than I did studying! I am still learning everyday about design. I had no idea whatsoever what path I was going to do at Uni. The Graphic design industry is huge and options are endless. I suggest finding out what part of it you love and following that! Also internships are important, the closest thing you will get to what its like really working for a company. If I chose to do anything different during Uni it would be to get more experience interning!

What is the best advice you have ever been given career or life wise :)? 

 To find something that you love to do for work. Such a huge part of our life its so important to find some joy in it.

Who or what inspires you the most? I have read that your mother is an amazing artist aswell?

Other artists would be my greatest inspiration, I am inspired by them daily, old and new, all of them. My mother is the first one who inspired me to do anything creative. A wonderful painter and textile designer she filled my life from my earliest memories of beautifully painted fairies and mermaids every where I looked.

What do you feel your biggest accomplishment is so far? You look like you have really had a great defining moment starting your own brand and it is so unique, should be proud!

The greatest thing always is hearing how happy it makes other people, I often get messages from people saying how much can relate to a certain piece and it makes my  heart soar that it brings someone else joy or represent a feeling words can often not.

Any plans for the future, like any projects or anything else you want to learn?
My partner and I are moving next month from Surry Hills to far north nsw to chase a more quiet life. Up there I plan to go back to school and study textile design.  As I said earlier its important to be constantly learning!

I am doing graphic design but am evermore enjoying illustrating...I also enjoy having a feminine style with psychedelic aspects, when working for a client does this get compromised a lot?

Your style is almost always going to be compromised by the clients personal taste, in the end though they are paying you for a service and what they says go's. I always try to be as honest as I can with my clients, they are paying you for your professional skills as well as style so its important to not stray from it too far if you can help it. I find it always helps to continue to do your own personal work, it makes you happy and showcases your skills.

What would you say is the best way to get your design work out to clients? Do you network a lot?

Instagtam seems to be my biggest outlet and where people find my work. The internet is so wild that you can showcase your work to people all over the world in seconds!

Which kinds of clients have you enjoyed working with the most??

The Zella Day vinyl cover I did has probably been my favourite. We seem to have similar taste and she was so involved with the creation of it it came about really quickly with a really beautiful result!

I found this interview the most honest and informative, which is useful in getting my perspective of the industry now rather than later. A point that keeps recurring which is one of my goals is to work and design for something I love and am passionate about- as said, this will be compromised ofcourse and for the sake of living it needs to be, but even if it means doing work I enjoy on the side it will not go to waste.

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