Sunday, March 5, 2017

NEST zine

the first edition by one of our own, everyone in our group was celebratory and sure to get a copy of the new NEST for LCA. The redesign of the sleeve holding the publication is an effective change, becoming part of the cover with the title in which removing allows the zine to then become purely photography based.

My favourite part of this zine is the focus title on each page going in and out of focus as the pages progress, a little detail like this goes a really long way for interesting consistency and reiteration of the theme.

The very simple layout is decent for letting the work be the primary focus beneficial for the artists who contributed, however in some spreads they are made really small which I would avoid doing as I'd want the reader to get as lost in the art as they can to really experience the 'focus' aspect. This is perhaps why it is done to get the reader to really focus on the work.

The variety and showcasing of LCA students is really cool and I am excited to see the next one, but hope there is more variety as in this issue the work seems very clean and from the work I see in the studio every day, only shows one kind of style. For the huge number of students creating amazing work, seeing as much of it as possible as we only really see our courses and close courses, would be so exciting! This made me recognize my core principals being in a collective, to make sure there is variety and representation of all different styles which I carried through to our collective AWOL with my concept. I feel like so much hard work goes in to projects just to be submitted and never seen again, which I really want to see.

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