My careers session wasn't very long as I had already created a CV and portfolio/website, it was more of a feedback session. She said my work was easy to understand, contemporary, commercial and exciting. This is the brand I am aiming for so this was amazing!
Feedback on my CV was that I hit all the main headlines but to check vigorously for capital letters etc. Also, through my Craft interview, Dan suggested I remove the image of myself to not distract from the information, and to beef up my education section to make the information fast and digestible for recruiters like himself. He said it wasn't major but was a useful suggestion.
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Interview with Craft Agency
I applied for the position sent through LAU's Opportunities emails for an entry job as Account Executive, which actually sounds very fun and would allow me to expand and realise possible potential in marketing. As long as I am working with a creative team I would be happy!
My interview was with Craft's owner in the Tetley Cafe. I had gone over the role in my careers one to one the previous day and revised a pack of the job description.
Notes I made were relatable to my experience and as it isn't primarily design, I focused on speaking about my people/research/presentation skills. They quizzed me on if I would be comfortable not taking a design focused role, but more research and communications, which I agreed would be exciting and allowing me to gain other skills which will be useful in the future! Communication with clients is key in graphic design, learnt especially this last year, so it all ties in. I will find out next week if I have been shortlisted.
The experience made me feel at ease as they assured it was just a chat and we were in a cafe environment- I feel I made a good impression having my notes written down and jotting his recommendations for my CV down too. I focused on areas revised in an account executive role and asked questions at the end! Great to have interview experience as this is the first creative role I have been interviewed for in person.
It shows that applying for roles from an early stage is beneficial for keeping the ball rolling and getting ahead! Getting my name out there and keeping in contact with these people on LinkedIn has been massively useful.
Sunday, May 6, 2018
'Business Cards'
If there is a slot available at this point, I want to make self branding stickers instead of business cards as it feels more part of my brand, and everyone loves stickers!
These stickers will be distributed to potential employers and creative networkers as they are fun, decorative with the energetic lines, reminding everyone of my name and my brands energy/style.
With a business card I feel like it could be buried or just stored in a drawer forgotten about- as with stickers, creatives enjoy putting these on their things and this is self advertisement to them and those they work with. It would be an effective way of getting my brand recognised opposed to business cards, personally. I will ofcourse test this and print business cards if I struggle.
These can be sent along with my concertina after I graduate to businesses if I am struggling to get employment. I can also send other stickers than represent my projects, including ones I have printed for my rethink mink brief.
Creative CV update
Based off Darren's kind feedback, I have adjusted my creative CV as it needs to make a good impression to potential employers in industry. This is a time where updating develops quickly, so I have added my self branding and website. Based off his feedback, I have made the text smaller so it is not as clunky and will add my graduate mark when I have officially graduated. I felt daft there was no point of contact directly on my CV unless you searched for me which was a huge error!
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
My ways of timekeeping are through my notebook which I am going to submit for extended practice, and using sticky notes on my work desk at home which I place in order and tick off! This has always been a useful way of timekeeping for me opposed to writing on a calendar as I can put them in order and throw them away when that part of the task is done.
My google calendar is also checked almost daily as I keep my events and appointments noted in there as well as knowing when tutorial days are available as well as briefings.
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
CV and portfolio feedback from Darren at CharacterCreative
CV: great that it's a single page but you could definitely tighten it up a bit.
- try lowering the point size of your body copy and increasing your margins - it'll let it breathe a bit more.
- consider flipping to 'landscape'. 9 times out of 10 it'll be viewing on a screen, so make the most of the real estate you've got.
- create a template and/or grid that you can carry through to your work samples.
- if you're struggling for ideas, go look at: for some inspiration.
Very useful feedback- I have made text smaller and added self branding to go with my brand identity. I was unsure about making it landscape as I haven't really seen this before but I will consider it in the future.
Samples: stop sending single files - wrap them all up in a single PDF file (ideally with your CV as the front page).
- create a 'template' for showcasing your work. That way you're demonstrating versatility whilst also building something cohesive.
- show me something with commercial value. Idea generation, 'student briefs' are great but I want to see examples of things that'll work in the real world.
- if you've not got that, revisit old D&AD or YCN student briefs and do them off your own back.
- build case studies. I want to know what the problem was, your thought process, how you solved it and the execution(s).
I have really struggled with making my combined PDF smaller and need to learn how to do this. I think reducing the original file sizes will help and I am going to do this. Also I do need to add case studies, especially to my website but just wanted to ensure I was focusing on finishing my degree and then when I finish I want time to apply for jobs more vigorously and update my website to the max, with everything finished.
For greater depth, you might like to read some of my past blog posts:
I hope that helps and do keep in touch - I'm super interested to see how you get on. :)
I will now edit and adjust my CV as the text is a bit crowded. I haven't heard of CV'S being landscape but this would be an easier way for employers to read my CV and make it less crowded! Also allowing more space for personal branding which I need to include.From this feedback, I am going to find a way of making a small enough good quality combined pdf to send off as I have struggled to make it smaller which is why I sent them as single files.
Realisations working on my briefs this year
-I want to work in a studio environment
With my placement I enjoyed us as the design team all working on aspects of the project and sharing feedback whilst also being enthusiastic about eachothers work as it was really rewarding to see the project bloom.
-I want to work collaboratively
With alot of my projects I have wanted to visualize them on the next level, being animated or made in to a huger project. This is something I should have tried to do but didn't want to do it badly. In future I want to work with people with a set of different skills to elevate the projects.
-I aim to work on huge briefs with my studio peers using our different strenghts/styles to the very best
-Even though I didn't meet all my deadlines too well, I had most done towards the end meaning I wasn't completing/finishing up 9/10 briefs. I never let myself get to that point as time management is a huge consideration, in terms of meeting the submission date without being overwhelmed.
-Go for it in terms of networking. Add everyone interesting, goals in terms of career paths, heads of companies, I want to follow their updates on LinkedIn and become part of their mindset to be successful!
-I'd consider art therapy in the future. Through researching for my research brief on design that impacts a persons mood, I can see in the future perhaps when I want to do something new i'd look in to how design and art can be used therapeutically as I enjoy making people feel better.
-I am proud to have a professional presence. Getting the website and finally creating my own self branding mean I can share these proudly to employers or those I am in contact with for research.
-I have people skills- so i've been told in assessments, which is really encouraging to know. As well as this I feel like my presentation skills have become less daunting for me to do therefore giving presentations with ease and confidence.
-Designing work without a brief is important as working to briefs. Keeping the passion for art in tact, and developing skills through experimentation without the pressure of client/brief.
With my placement I enjoyed us as the design team all working on aspects of the project and sharing feedback whilst also being enthusiastic about eachothers work as it was really rewarding to see the project bloom.
-I want to work collaboratively
With alot of my projects I have wanted to visualize them on the next level, being animated or made in to a huger project. This is something I should have tried to do but didn't want to do it badly. In future I want to work with people with a set of different skills to elevate the projects.
-I aim to work on huge briefs with my studio peers using our different strenghts/styles to the very best
-Even though I didn't meet all my deadlines too well, I had most done towards the end meaning I wasn't completing/finishing up 9/10 briefs. I never let myself get to that point as time management is a huge consideration, in terms of meeting the submission date without being overwhelmed.
-Go for it in terms of networking. Add everyone interesting, goals in terms of career paths, heads of companies, I want to follow their updates on LinkedIn and become part of their mindset to be successful!
-I'd consider art therapy in the future. Through researching for my research brief on design that impacts a persons mood, I can see in the future perhaps when I want to do something new i'd look in to how design and art can be used therapeutically as I enjoy making people feel better.
-I am proud to have a professional presence. Getting the website and finally creating my own self branding mean I can share these proudly to employers or those I am in contact with for research.
-I have people skills- so i've been told in assessments, which is really encouraging to know. As well as this I feel like my presentation skills have become less daunting for me to do therefore giving presentations with ease and confidence.
-Designing work without a brief is important as working to briefs. Keeping the passion for art in tact, and developing skills through experimentation without the pressure of client/brief.
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Submitting work for exhibitions- got in to two (girl gang, UBU)
Made website
Updating website and Behance
Sharing projects on LinkedIn, adding/making contacts
Applying for jobs/enquiring about graduate opportunities
Studio visit to endless city, interview with aaron
Careers Fairs, getting emails. A lot weren't taking on at that time (daft)
Internship in London upcoming
Portfolio Surgery, career considerations for graduation
Career Track Tuesdays (how i got my placement, opens doors for you going to events)
Self branding
Creative CV
Old branding to new- development of polishing style, keeping it more simple, less is more
Placement made me realise I want to be part of the ideas, not an artworker
Retail designing light hearted and fun for me
Marketing may be another route for me
Portfolio review encouraged me to brand myself as an illustrator as well as graphic designer
Proud to send website link
Studio visit, Aarons answers
Friday, April 13, 2018
Instead of being pesimistic, I want to actually give having a website a go when I perhaps most need it, while my career is taking off from the ground.
I want my layout simple letting my often bright and bold design speak for itself. Including my new brand logo and an about me page where hopefully I can gain contacts. Will attach this website when applying for jobs and share on Linkedin.
I really hope it works out for me, giving me a professional look as well as presenting my work well.
I have begun to update my Behance everytime I finish a project I am happy with, so this will be updated as well and be the first link I send out to professionals when in contact or applying for a job.
It is interesting also seeing the trial sites I created earlier in the academic year, the difference can be seen in being overdone to more minimal. My style has definetly rapidly developed this last year more than before which is exciting and I am becoming more confident and happy in my design style, feeling more polished which was an aim of mine, and I want to continue this.
I want my layout simple letting my often bright and bold design speak for itself. Including my new brand logo and an about me page where hopefully I can gain contacts. Will attach this website when applying for jobs and share on Linkedin.
I really hope it works out for me, giving me a professional look as well as presenting my work well.
I have begun to update my Behance everytime I finish a project I am happy with, so this will be updated as well and be the first link I send out to professionals when in contact or applying for a job.
It is interesting also seeing the trial sites I created earlier in the academic year, the difference can be seen in being overdone to more minimal. My style has definetly rapidly developed this last year more than before which is exciting and I am becoming more confident and happy in my design style, feeling more polished which was an aim of mine, and I want to continue this.
Monday, April 9, 2018
Self Branding
I find this the hardest task as it is harder to design for your personality and own work, rather than others which the job is about!
I chose a really thick clean typeface as I like my design work to be bold and tend to go for similar typefaces. I wanted to play on the fact my name is the same backwards as I don't have a studio name.
This logo will go on presentations, business cards, social media, emails and website.
Even though this design was a fun experiment, it just didn't work in terms of reading out as hannah
Creating a repeat pattern in this bold typeface makes the letters look like shapes and if printed on a transparent stock for business cards, it would be the same both sides due to the uniqueness of the name being the same backwards!
It was suggested through feedback I make this more colourful and try make it patterned as it represents my style a lot more than just black and white. I used black and white to make it as versatile as possible but this could just be a version.
The branding is fun, expressive, bold, and I feel it expresses everything I want my design brand to be. The logo is versatile with colours being easily adjustable to be more corporate or coloured for certain briefs.
I chose a really thick clean typeface as I like my design work to be bold and tend to go for similar typefaces. I wanted to play on the fact my name is the same backwards as I don't have a studio name.
This logo will go on presentations, business cards, social media, emails and website.
Creating a repeat pattern in this bold typeface makes the letters look like shapes and if printed on a transparent stock for business cards, it would be the same both sides due to the uniqueness of the name being the same backwards!
It was suggested through feedback I make this more colourful and try make it patterned as it represents my style a lot more than just black and white. I used black and white to make it as versatile as possible but this could just be a version.
The branding is fun, expressive, bold, and I feel it expresses everything I want my design brand to be. The logo is versatile with colours being easily adjustable to be more corporate or coloured for certain briefs.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
The next step
Last year I found it really rewarding and exciting contacting professionals, 2 I never thought would reply did!! Therefore take that for this years goal- being a memorable face within the graduates in Leeds and contacting those who work at studios I would like to be involved with to interview and go over my portfolio if possible. These are people I have connected with on Linkedin or new agencies recommended by Buttercrumble in my portfolio surgery session. This is now the time to start getting in touch with these new contacts for graduate opportunities!
Applied for/contacted
Finn agency
Brass Digital
Robot Food
Craft Agency ad
Bright Carbon
Cafeteria- not successful
Skinny Dip- offered me an internship, will have to see as it is in London
Zeal - said they will keep me in mind as there are no current graduate opportunities
Propaganda- no current positions but will keep me on file
UK Greetings
Buttercrumble Creative
BGC Studios- asked me to complete a brief for consideration
charactercreative- not successful but gave me cv/portfolio pdf feedback and keeping me on file
Applied for/contacted
Finn agency
Brass Digital
Robot Food
Craft Agency ad
Bright Carbon
Cafeteria- not successful
Skinny Dip- offered me an internship, will have to see as it is in London
Zeal - said they will keep me in mind as there are no current graduate opportunities
Propaganda- no current positions but will keep me on file
UK Greetings
Buttercrumble Creative
BGC Studios- asked me to complete a brief for consideration
charactercreative- not successful but gave me cv/portfolio pdf feedback and keeping me on file
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Papergang 'Oh Deer' Competition submissions
I submitted one my own personal illustration style, and one 'trend' in my style on the graphics tablet. This was a fun submission which crosses over my design interests in making stand out pieces to bring joy to consumers wether it be through stationary boxes,campaigns, packaging or posters! This was useful practice in developing my illustration skills and expanding on mark making, which I was told was something I was stronger in whilst on placement. Understanding that for particular briefs working to a trend in this case cactuses, will be at your advantage.
Sadly I wasn't shortlisted but the feedback I got from peers and through my design instagram was very positive! Despite not winning, side projects like these allow me to design what makes me happy and keeps me engaged in designing.
Sadly I wasn't shortlisted but the feedback I got from peers and through my design instagram was very positive! Despite not winning, side projects like these allow me to design what makes me happy and keeps me engaged in designing.
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Feedback from Buttercrumble portfolio surgery
Hi Hannah,
It was lovely to see you on Tuesday, hope you’re having a good week.
We’re just emailing a few notes from the meeting and some extra support.
Local Companies to Contact
Hallmark (Greetings)- looks really fun although can be restricting, but a great place to start as it is expressive
UK Greetings (Greetings)- same as above
La Redoute (Fashion)
Bon Marche (Fashion)
Nestle (Fashion)
Vast Digital (Fashion Marketing)
Brass (Marketing)
Intermarketing Agency (Marketing) - to me personally looks very dull and corporate, not exciting
Boohoo (Fashion)
Forever Unique (Fashion)
Misguided (Fashion)
Arcadia (Leeds office)
Also try Print & Pattern for more illustrative jobs: http:// printandpatternjobs.blogspot.
Look at trade shows related to your industry and approach companies speculatively.
Approaching Companies
Sending something personal in the post is a brilliant idea and you could take this to the next level. Include something interactive in a mailer like a small gift or activity to make the recipient smile! Find specific contacts in the company through the company website and Linkedin and set reminders to follow up with them through email. A week after sending your parcel, email them to ask if they received it. Don’t be disheartened if you don’t hear back! Follow up again after a few days. We’d recommend sending three emails in total.
Use your strengths to your advantage! You have extra skillsets that will be desirable to employers such as illustration and copywriting. You also have a brilliant eye for colour and this will definitely grab people’s attention.
It was great to meet you, Hannah! We look forward to seeing what’s in-store for you! Enjoy the rest of your week.
Take care,
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Buttercrumble Portfolio Surgery
During my placement I got the chance to take the morning off to go for a portfolio surgery with the twins from Buttercrumble which was a great direct opportunity to get designer and illustrators view on my work. I definetly need more of these as I don't feel truly confident in my work sometimes and know it isn't as polished as it could be, and that people are honest saying they like it but feel they don't have extreme enthusiasm which worries me.
They told me to definetly include illustrator in my title as my portfolio shows I am a graphic designer combined with an illustrator due to my illustrative crossover in my work, which makes my work distinctive they said.
They loved the colour as did the lady from UK Greetings when I quickly showed her my Behance. Comments I got from both were that in a mass amount of applicants my work would have a great chance of standing out due to the colour confidence within my portfolio.
Expressing my enjoyment of copyrighting at George Home, they suggested even marketing jobs could be a route for me. I asked them to recommend places locally I would suit applying to based on my portfolio and they emailed me feedback which I was so appreciative of!!
They told me I should definetly pursue my illustration even on the side as it can amplify my work and shows I can do more than just graphic design, as they did in their last year at university which worked out in their favour.
Careers Fair
Attending the unis careers fair my main goal was to speak to those at UK Greetings about their different jobs and processes. I asked them if there were strictly artworker jobs or it was a bit of everything like at my placement (I don't want to be just an artworker editing other people's ideas and designs) and she proceeded to tell me they had so many departments including humour copyrighting, sympathy, Disney etc.

I expressed how excited I would be to use greetings cards to bring a smile to people's faces and be different in sich a saturated card market. She said although they had no job/internship places available currently, to keep in touch and gave me her personal email which was really Good!
Oxfam and duke studios weren't as I want more stability in the start of my career.
Placement Experience
My 2 week placement took place at George Home in Leeds at Asda's head office. I secured this placement through meeting the design manager at a Career Track Tuesday event at university entitled 'recruiting creative graduates' in which Clare stressed the importance of showing your unique 'handwriting through your portfolio.
I was unsure of what I would be working on and was up for any challenge given. I knew they would be working on homeware designs and this initially was an option I saw for myself. I enjoy bringing colour and positivity through design to People, so doing this through homeware made sense. I also enjoy shopping/always worked in retail and I notice trends and enjoy seeing new ones emerge to inform my practice.
They were so welcoming when I got there and informed me they had created 5 moodboard packs and colour palettes for next spring/summer 2019. They presented these packs to me and went through the styles expressed through the mood boards.
Every other day I would be briefed by a colleague to try and design either mugs, cushions, signs, patterns and have a go illustrating key trend characters as they enjoyed the illustrative element within my portfolio!
Positive feedback I got throughout was that I was a fast worker, my ideas were bang on the trend presented to me and that my illustration was what they wanted.
These were really positive comments and boosted my confidence, as well as the fact there were no qualms with my work. I would have enjoyed more constructive criticism to improve my skills but the workplace was very calm relaxed and everyone was really lovely.
Throughout this placement I realised retail design could be a route for me to pursue at the beginning of my career, but overall I would like to work on bolder design ideas as these are all very mainstream/family friendly. I still had a great time designing for their trends and the colour palettes inspired me to definetly work this colour palettes/pantones more.
This has encouraged me to keep applying for juniour/graduate positions that come up on Linkedin as I am confident I bring professionalism and focus to the job which I am known for in my retail jobs on the side of education.
I am looking to greetings cards companies due to their fun illustrative/graphic design element and I really took control with copyrighting and coming up with slogans for each trend at George Home trying to come up with brand new ones.
Also, clothing/beauty brands where I can bring my feminine design quality. Ultimately in the future it would be amazing to have my own shared studio (I enjoy working with others) when my work gets known and commissioned as I feel my own style will grow and grow.
Seeing freelancers being commissioned at the placement was inspiring, however I enjoy working with others too much to work alone as I enjoy sharing ideas and enthusiasm and sharing skills.
The work I have done will be reviewed at meetings and if any of it is chosen I will be commissioned which I am really excited about! All over a brilliant first placement and it has eased me in gently to a design studio environment.
From this placement experience I will...
-Continue to apply for jobs with confidence
-Update my work experience on accounts such as Linkedin
-Keep in touch for possible future opportunities to work with them again
-Get in touch with other companies such as UK Greetings about internships or another placement possibly
-Have more confidence in copyrighting and illustration
-Get a pantone book to really think about colour pallettes
- I want to be part of design ideas and copyrighting process not as an artworker editing others designs etc
-Continue to apply for jobs with confidence
-Update my work experience on accounts such as Linkedin
-Keep in touch for possible future opportunities to work with them again
-Get in touch with other companies such as UK Greetings about internships or another placement possibly
-Have more confidence in copyrighting and illustration
-Get a pantone book to really think about colour pallettes
- I want to be part of design ideas and copyrighting process not as an artworker editing others designs etc
Monday, March 19, 2018
Self branding initial feedback and ideas
Asking others that know live with me on the course and my design style I got...
Colour- bright pinks/oranges/loud gradients
Style- Feminine, loud, vibrant, 'girl power'
Type- handwrendered, organic shapes
Interests- packaging, illustration, music posters, campaigns, positive posters/zines, fun materials
Colour- bright pinks/oranges/loud gradients
Style- Feminine, loud, vibrant, 'girl power'
Type- handwrendered, organic shapes
Interests- packaging, illustration, music posters, campaigns, positive posters/zines, fun materials
NEST Submission for 'Motion' theme
This was an experiment for one of my posters for the song 808 State- pacific state for a series of posters i'm creating for Manchester song posters.
My thought was they are having a crazy night listening to the electronic music on a bit of a mad one there are all the lights and everything is quite blurred but spinning with motion!
This extended practice brief is inspired by secret 7 but by working in poster format.
My thought was they are having a crazy night listening to the electronic music on a bit of a mad one there are all the lights and everything is quite blurred but spinning with motion!
This extended practice brief is inspired by secret 7 but by working in poster format.
Artwork Commission
The meeting rooms/board rooms struck me in particular with the black and white colour pallette. I understand they are looking for details to enhance the space and work with the corporate atmosphere.
These are a set of 3 mark making designs that work in harmony to bring a space to life without the subject matter being too distracting in such a corporate environment.
I got the inspiration from my placement to experiment more with mark making and not always using bright colours, and the result was really interesting to me and allowed me to experiment and learn more about different brushes available with adobe and control over mark making on my Wacom tablet. I got a lot of feedback also which was that markmaking is one of my strong points so I will consider this for future. This also prompted me to go for it entering this competition!
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Creative CV development
At this stage it is crucial to be creating better work, but also crucial to be looking forward to after university finishes and seizing work oppotunities. Two junior/intern positions have arose at two studios I personally find so exciting compared to others- Robot Food and LOVE., two huge packaging/brand identity companies.
Having only realised I would enjoy making packaging after Employability Week, my packaging projects are now underway but unfinished in time to apply for these jobs swiftly so I want a CV that will give me a chance to show my willing character and positivity as a member of their team.
i want to keep it simple as we have been swayed against overcomplicated cvs in workshops on career track tuesdays so i will begin with...
I am optimistic and enthusiastic about ideas and concepts within working areas, and strive to make design work stand out. My aim is to produce professional work which has fun and engaging aspects to it which can reach out to the target audience in a way other competitors don't. I am always on board with taking feedback and working to improve my design work to benefit the project and outcome, and enjoy discussing and building exciting ideas with likewise designers. Compromise and organisation is key, and being motivational and positive to be around is very important to me.
-projects I have been involved in
secret 7, YCN, penguin book award, winning in first year exhibition concept pitch at bank house leeds, getting in to the final at an app concept competition, talks by visiting professionals such as Robot Food/Studio Blup/Alphabet/Only, visits to Printers and design studios
-best skills
graphics tablet illustration, illustration, editorial, copyrighting that stands out, image editing, vectors, bringing ideas/concepts together in a set, consistency, posters, type experiments, screenprint, painting, communication
-team work
various retail jobs such as Paperchase in which I have been challenged in all areas, working in teams to pitch ideas, collaboration with internal/external designers, compromise with clients, obtaining information from peers for end of year show, giving feedback in groups
-design interests
Campaigns, brand identity, (most recently) packaging, poster design, design for music, promotional material, zines. However, depending on the brief I love to work to new concepts.
Creative Scholar of the year 2012 awarded by The Ideas Foundation
Screenprint, letterpress, book binding, digital print, recruiting creative graduates workshop, LinkedIn workshop,
2 week placement upcoming with the George Asda design team in Leeds which I feel really excited and ready for.
-currently working on
2 packaging briefs, a campaign competition brief, designing skateboards for mental health charity, a poster exhibition, interior design for mental health spaces, brand identity for a festival, upcoming portfolio surgery with Buttercrumble Creative
Going to bring this forward to tutor in a sign up tutorial to make sure this is presented well and includes everything.
Having only realised I would enjoy making packaging after Employability Week, my packaging projects are now underway but unfinished in time to apply for these jobs swiftly so I want a CV that will give me a chance to show my willing character and positivity as a member of their team.
i want to keep it simple as we have been swayed against overcomplicated cvs in workshops on career track tuesdays so i will begin with...
I am optimistic and enthusiastic about ideas and concepts within working areas, and strive to make design work stand out. My aim is to produce professional work which has fun and engaging aspects to it which can reach out to the target audience in a way other competitors don't. I am always on board with taking feedback and working to improve my design work to benefit the project and outcome, and enjoy discussing and building exciting ideas with likewise designers. Compromise and organisation is key, and being motivational and positive to be around is very important to me.
-projects I have been involved in
secret 7, YCN, penguin book award, winning in first year exhibition concept pitch at bank house leeds, getting in to the final at an app concept competition, talks by visiting professionals such as Robot Food/Studio Blup/Alphabet/Only, visits to Printers and design studios
-best skills
graphics tablet illustration, illustration, editorial, copyrighting that stands out, image editing, vectors, bringing ideas/concepts together in a set, consistency, posters, type experiments, screenprint, painting, communication
-team work
various retail jobs such as Paperchase in which I have been challenged in all areas, working in teams to pitch ideas, collaboration with internal/external designers, compromise with clients, obtaining information from peers for end of year show, giving feedback in groups
-design interests
Campaigns, brand identity, (most recently) packaging, poster design, design for music, promotional material, zines. However, depending on the brief I love to work to new concepts.
Creative Scholar of the year 2012 awarded by The Ideas Foundation
Screenprint, letterpress, book binding, digital print, recruiting creative graduates workshop, LinkedIn workshop,
2 week placement upcoming with the George Asda design team in Leeds which I feel really excited and ready for.
-currently working on
2 packaging briefs, a campaign competition brief, designing skateboards for mental health charity, a poster exhibition, interior design for mental health spaces, brand identity for a festival, upcoming portfolio surgery with Buttercrumble Creative
Going to bring this forward to tutor in a sign up tutorial to make sure this is presented well and includes everything.
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Made by the woods logo live brief submission
'MadeByTheWoods is a small, independent business specialising in woodcraft.
They are looking for an artist to design logo that is recognisable and highlights the ethos of the brand.
The logo will be used online (website, social media, etc.) and for print (business, cards, promotional materials, invoices, etc.)Consider:
Origins – woodland/reclaimed wood/recycling
Muted, natural colours
Include the name: MadeByTheWoods'
The logo will be used online (website, social media, etc.) and for print (business, cards, promotional materials, invoices, etc.)Consider:
Origins – woodland/reclaimed wood/recycling
Muted, natural colours
Include the name: MadeByTheWoods'

I have been trying to submit as much as possible and try new styles and challenges. Having just got illustrator I am finding it difficult to use but want to practice now rather than later, and chances like these for side projects to design for are a good opportunity to expand my skills.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Penguin Book Cover Award adult non-fiction submission
I am at a stage where I want my portfolio to show a more professional polished side that isn't all bright colours, and experimenting with this category rather than choosing the fiction categories is testament to this.
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Femzine London brief submission
A zine I follow on Instagram based in London put out a call for artwork, and also a brief requiring photography documenting nights out in the club/queer scene. I took a chance and submitted some old photographs from a drag event I attended! I also submitted images that would work with their feminist element for the zine.
UPDATE: The reply expressed my work would either clash with their club photographs and that the drawings wouldn't fit the theme, but I gained positive feedback that they really liked my drawing style which is a confidence boost.
UPDATE: The reply expressed my work would either clash with their club photographs and that the drawings wouldn't fit the theme, but I gained positive feedback that they really liked my drawing style which is a confidence boost.
27 Club Exhibition Submission
As the backdrop I used a pattern of one of Jimi's fabulous wavey prints he was known for. The photo filter on this makes it appropriately vintage and keeps the type from being too brash. I am submitting the following as options.
I am trying to experiment more with typography as it hasn't been one of my focuses throughout the degree but is important for applying to design studio jobs. Although my portfolio is versatile it really needs more typography/digital design/packaging etc.
Thursday, February 8, 2018
International Women's Day 2018 Call Out briefs submissions
An exhibition like this one is one i'd naturally love to be part of as it links to our university and the theme of woman relates to my own illustration I do on the side of uni. Any call outs I receive if I can work towards in some way, I want to seize every opportunity. Exhibitions are especially important as they reach out to a new audience and you never know who may be part of that audience.
As the theme is woman and the power of the piece I had exhibited at Wharf Chambers with Girl Gang Leeds is all about a female embracing her feminity and power as a woman, I decided to put this forward.

This was developed for the exhibition from my own personal drawings to cater to the 'reclaiming pink theme', so as well as submitting this I decided to put forward drawings only shared on Instagram, with the theme of woman and power being within them.
These have all been suggested over in the email, and I have added that I will change and develop these specifically for the exhibit depending on if they pick one they see as most appropriate or they enjoy for the theme.
This screenprint was for my final COP practical as one of the protest posters I screenprinted in ode to See Red Women's Workshop's style of protest posters. This could be chosen to curate a more varied exhibition exploring different woman's issues etc. The brief is rather vague so I wanted to send over a few illustrations I enjoy doing on the side.
Evolution Print Trip
As well as funky bright posters which I was very grateful for, from this trip I saw how an enthusiastic and vibrant leader can make a sometimes seemingly dull process engaging and exciting. For me it is very mechanical the printing and is not something I would go in to as I want to be designing, but seeing the business and its heritage, and the jobs they get, is proof the creative industry and print is still a necessity.
Employability Week- The Elephant Room
With this talk what I took from it was that cultural strategists are in high demand right now. This seems shocking to some but as older generations in massive companies continually mess up offending minorities, and failing to employ and pay equally women, it is important for our generation to lead the way.
The Elephant Room are leading the way in this sense, and I particularly loved Shanice's refreshing honesty and the fact she wants her friends and groups around her to grow with her. Promote talent if it is great talent, no matter who they are, where they are from or what level they are at. It is forgotten too much to help those who might not see it as an option to do their talent as a career. Their positive enrichment of talent and making a change was so inspiring and I get a good feeling about the future of the creative industry.
The Elephant Room are leading the way in this sense, and I particularly loved Shanice's refreshing honesty and the fact she wants her friends and groups around her to grow with her. Promote talent if it is great talent, no matter who they are, where they are from or what level they are at. It is forgotten too much to help those who might not see it as an option to do their talent as a career. Their positive enrichment of talent and making a change was so inspiring and I get a good feeling about the future of the creative industry.
Monday, February 5, 2018
Employability Week- Robot Food
This was definetley one of the most exciting talks of the week, about packaging which would have surprised me prior to the talk. Although a huge part of graphic design, packaging never appealed to me as a career but seeing how I can input on massive brands through not just design but through copyrighting (which i realise i love because i get bored with too much formality) made me want to do some packaging briefs! Also the drive is applying for Robot Food's vacancies soon as possible because they were so cool!
Robot food
-identify personality traits and aspects/values of the brand
-add personality to brands, like they have done with Seabrook!
-Keep designs simple and memorable
-Think about extras with a rebrand- stickers, merch, photoshoots
-Instagram is currently the best place to show your work
-tailor your portfolio depending on the job
-identify consumer gap
-be unexpected
-take an interest in your environment for getting ideas
-what isn't working anymore? identify it
sketching>research>concept>assigned roles
Robot food
-identify personality traits and aspects/values of the brand
-add personality to brands, like they have done with Seabrook!
-Keep designs simple and memorable
-Think about extras with a rebrand- stickers, merch, photoshoots
-Instagram is currently the best place to show your work
-tailor your portfolio depending on the job
-identify consumer gap
-be unexpected
-take an interest in your environment for getting ideas
-what isn't working anymore? identify it
sketching>research>concept>assigned roles
Employability Week- Rose Nordin
A very useful part of this talk was learning that there are artist residencies you can apply for which I didn't really know before, which will be useful if I can't find or get bored of an internship or job.
-zines are a way of getting contacts/collaborating/getting talking
-for residency opportunities look to
Arts Council Website
-The average pay per day from junior designer is £175, price yourself fairly
-zines are a way of getting contacts/collaborating/getting talking
-for residency opportunities look to
Arts Council Website
-The average pay per day from junior designer is £175, price yourself fairly
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Studio Blup Pitch- The ULTIMATE festival wristband!
For this pitch I wanted to think of something new and on the spot which lead me to think of want I actually wanted to do after graduating before getting a job(in an ideal world)..interailing and festivals!!
Checking if this existed I saw there wasn't an ultimate kind of package and what existed only really consisted of beer festivals and town festivals therefore...
Creating 'the ULTIMATE festival pass', 'the big blow out!', 'the adventure of a lifetime!!'
targeted at 18-40 year olds, music lovers, adventure and thrill seekers, the indecisive and the fun...
Can't decide between travelling or festivals? why decide!
It is very common to see festival goers with a rack of different wristbands on their arm even years after going just to show they had been...if there was one ultimate wristband which meant you had done it all, how much cooler would that be. an indestructable, crazily eyecatching and with a fun design, waterproof and awesome. Can pick based on the timings, the festivals you can go to in the cities you want to visit, working with the train lines on some kind of deal. The wristband would ensure camper vanning and hostels...fuck the gap year this is the one!
This is brand new so it needs an exciting fun REBRAND to grab the audiences attention...interailing with an exciting new twist. Perhaps it could be volunteer based so you get the festivals for free but just pay for travelling? Music, art, beer, food!
The buyer controls their experience, but ultimately this must be branded based on existing festival design and packages whilst also incorporating elements of europe. Also the wristband must stand out amongst others, the branding has to be strong and give off a high energy making thrill seekers want to buy!
need to create-
brand identity
This pitch was so fun and the feedback I got was enthusiastic enough to make this one of my Extended Practice briefs
Being challenged on the spot can sometimes give you the biggest ideas and it was really fun and motivating to hear every one else pitch! Dines was an enthusiastic speaker who inspired me to just design what excites me wether it be for uni or outside of it!
Checking if this existed I saw there wasn't an ultimate kind of package and what existed only really consisted of beer festivals and town festivals therefore...
Creating 'the ULTIMATE festival pass', 'the big blow out!', 'the adventure of a lifetime!!'
targeted at 18-40 year olds, music lovers, adventure and thrill seekers, the indecisive and the fun...
Can't decide between travelling or festivals? why decide!
It is very common to see festival goers with a rack of different wristbands on their arm even years after going just to show they had been...if there was one ultimate wristband which meant you had done it all, how much cooler would that be. an indestructable, crazily eyecatching and with a fun design, waterproof and awesome. Can pick based on the timings, the festivals you can go to in the cities you want to visit, working with the train lines on some kind of deal. The wristband would ensure camper vanning and hostels...fuck the gap year this is the one!
This is brand new so it needs an exciting fun REBRAND to grab the audiences attention...interailing with an exciting new twist. Perhaps it could be volunteer based so you get the festivals for free but just pay for travelling? Music, art, beer, food!
The buyer controls their experience, but ultimately this must be branded based on existing festival design and packages whilst also incorporating elements of europe. Also the wristband must stand out amongst others, the branding has to be strong and give off a high energy making thrill seekers want to buy!
need to create-
brand identity
This pitch was so fun and the feedback I got was enthusiastic enough to make this one of my Extended Practice briefs
Being challenged on the spot can sometimes give you the biggest ideas and it was really fun and motivating to hear every one else pitch! Dines was an enthusiastic speaker who inspired me to just design what excites me wether it be for uni or outside of it!
Employability Week- Studio Blup
This talk by Dines was an AMAZING start to the week! His down to earth, straight up approach was so refreshing, and seeing him talk about the roots of his creative inspiration discussing his love of Pokemon/anime and working in his bedroom throughout uni showed a real journey that inspired me to just go and do what I need to do.
The Journey and Hacks of the Design Industry
-Always have goals and objectives, as having them to reference makes you aim higher and keeps you grounded
-Early age inspirations and the fun elements are important to acknowledge and keep you interested
-You need your own distinctive style to stand out and get picked, rather than blending in
-Designing flyers was a key part of Dines' success, so approach people and offer to do them to free advertise your brand
Design Process
-Upsell brief
-Remixing Culture
-Image Goals for focus and vision
-Having your own website and email is super valuable for your appearance as a professional
-always read the small print!
-Keep feed's professional
-Keep website simple
-Have decent high quality mock ups for portfolios, not just flat images
-Very useful to have a variety of skills
-Use strengths
The Journey and Hacks of the Design Industry
-Always have goals and objectives, as having them to reference makes you aim higher and keeps you grounded
-Early age inspirations and the fun elements are important to acknowledge and keep you interested
-You need your own distinctive style to stand out and get picked, rather than blending in
-Designing flyers was a key part of Dines' success, so approach people and offer to do them to free advertise your brand
Design Process
-Upsell brief
-Remixing Culture
-Image Goals for focus and vision
-Having your own website and email is super valuable for your appearance as a professional
-always read the small print!
-Keep feed's professional
-Keep website simple
-Have decent high quality mock ups for portfolios, not just flat images
-Very useful to have a variety of skills
-Use strengths
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